Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Getting Started

If you've been following my blog, you can see that the layout of things have changed a bit.  As has the purpose for this blog.  I have now gone from teaching kindergarten to 5th grade Social Studies and Science, and I'm definitely out of my element.  While I intend to continue to share fun stories, ideas, and other happenings from the classroom with my friends and family who are now almost 1000 miles away from me, I'll also be using this site to 1) post new ideas for lessons that I'm teaching, and 2) steal ideas from others whose blogs I'm following.

My intent as a new 5th grade teacher is to transform Social Studies from the typical boring, dreaded class to a fun, exciting journey through our nation's rich history.  I want my students to be able to come away from this year saying, "Wow, Ms. McCall's class is really fun, AND she taught us a lot."

I remember once being in elementary school, and my parents coming for conferences.  I had a C in Science, and I was very upset.  My mom took one look at my folder, which read:  "Amber's Sience Folder", and said:  "Well honey, I think I realize why you have a C in Science class."  If you can't already tell, Social Studies is more my interest area than Science, so I'm going to need to teach myself a thing or two about teaching Science.  I hope to use the great world wide web to expand my knowledge base, as well as my wealth of teaching resources (and possibly brush up on my spelling skills).

So....that being said...if you're a fellow Social Studies or Science teacher and would like to advertise your blog by posting some sweet lesson ideas, I'd be more than happy to plug your page and give credit where credit is due.  If you're family or friends, as always, you can rest assured that you'll be in for some interesting stories as I start on my newest adventure.

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